Our people are our strength.

Welcome to the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) 929, a union of approximately 140 workers at Toronto Grace Health Centre, The Harbour Light Centre and Specialized Care Centre in Toronto, Ontario. We are a member-led labour organization united by the dedication to improve the lives of workers. We believe in taking action and providing services that promote fairness and equality. Learn more about our efforts to strengthen our coalition’s standing, to inspire change, and to make a positive impact.

2022 Election


First, I want to inform you that effective immediately, we have temporarily appointed Aidano Ochotorena to the Vice-President role on the Executive Board of Local 929/929-01.

Second, on July 13th at 3pm we will be holding an in-person General Membership Meeting (GMM) in the cafeteria at 650 Church Street.

One item on the agenda is nominations for Executive board positions as we are overdue due to covid restrictions.

As per our locals by-laws nominations are to occur at a GMM, you must be present to be nominated for a position, or if you cannot attend you must submit a written notice confirming that you will stand, if nominated for ___ (specified position), this notice must be signed by you and must be witnessed by a fellow member.  The can be handed in by a peer or emailed to the following address: cupelocal929@gmail.com no later than 3:00pm on July 13th.

All Executive Board positions are open for nomination at this time. They include:



Recording Secretary

Secretary Treasurer


More information about these roles can be found in our locals by-laws which can be found on our website at https://929.cupe.ca/resources/bylaws/

Elections will be held on August 30, 2022 at 650 Church Street.

In solidarity,

Robyn Sharpe

Interim President

CUPE Local 929/929-01


COVID-19 Information from CUPE

Visit https://cupe.ca/covid-19 for information and resources regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.

2019 Election

To CUPE 929 / 929-1

On Monday October 28th the general membership met. Part of the purpose of the agenda was to nominate for positions of the executive team as well as two trustee positions.

Robyn Sharpe was nominated for the position of recording secretary, this nomination was accepted with no further nominations or challengers. Robyn was acclaimed the winner and continues in the position for a further two years.

Alex McConnell was nominated for the position of treasurer, this nomination was accepted with no further nominations or challengers. Alex was acclaimed the winner and continues in this position for a further two years.

Cecile Teodoro was nominated for the positon of three year trustee, this nomination was accepted with no further nominations or challengers. Cecille was acclaimed the winner and holds the position of trustee (three year)

The position of vice president remains open with no nominations.
The position of trustee (two year) remains open with no nominations.

Robert Beveridge was nominated for the position of President, this nomination was accepted.
Stephan Konstantopoulos was nominated for the position of president, this nomination was accepted.

The nominations for president will now result in an election to be held on Thursday November 14, 2019. I urge everyone to get out and vote. Voting will be held in the board room all day from 07:00 until 19:00

Thank you
Robert Beveridge RPN
President CUPE Local 929 / 929-1