“Workplace violence and harassment is now recognized as a health and safety hazard in the workplace. It is a serious multi-faceted problem that affects not only the intended targets, but colleagues and the workplace as a whole”. 1. “Many healthcare workers in Ontario face the threat of violence with every shift. Studies have found that nurses, for example, are subjected to more acts of violence that police officers or prison guards.” 2.
While acknowledging violence and harassment, preventing it is key to protect all staff. A key item at the recent contract negotiations was violence, and as per the Settlement from April 2018, Article 19.04 – ‘Violence’ in the Collective Agreement states that the “Hospital and the union agree that they have a shared goal of a workplace free of violence”. As per the OHSA it is the employer’s duty to have and maintain violence policies and programs.3.
TGHC has a policy on Violence in the Workplace (No. 9 – 430) and both the agreement and the policy define workplace violence based on the Occupational Health and Safety Act as:
- The exercise of physical force by a person against a worker, in a workplace, that causes or could cause physical injury to the worker,
- An attempt to exercise physical force against a worker, in a workplace, that could cause physical injury to the worker, and
- A statement or behavior that it is reasonable for a worker to interpret as a threat to exercise physical force against the worker, in a workplace, that could cause physical injury to the workers.
Everyone has the right to a safe and healthy work environment. If you feel otherwise, you have a right to be heard and have a fair investigation into your complaint. During the process, it is your right to have union representation at all times and to be free from any form of retaliation as a result on a complaint.4.
As a member of CUPE it is your duty to report to your manager or On-Call Administrator of any incidents or potential risk s they experienced or witnessed. In serious situations a Code White should be called. As per TGHC policy, HR will appoint an investigator for all reported incidents.
For any concerns please do not hesitate to contact your local Executive.
- Health and Safety Guidelines, Preventing violence and harassment in the workplace.
- Brophy, J. T., Keith, MM., Hurley, M. (2017). Violence experienced by healthcare workers in Ontario: an exploration of the reasons for the high incidence and measures that might be taken to curb it. https://www.ochu.on.ca/violence.html#.
- Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Act (Violence and Harassment in the Workplace), 2009, S.O. 2009, c. 23 – Bill 168. (https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/S09023)
- https://cupe.ca/new-workplace-violence-and-harassment-prevention-kit-ready