Treasurer’s Update – Aug 2018


I’m happy to report that following our return to collecting dues at 1.5% as per our local by-laws this March, we are now seeing a net surplus in our account each month. This means our monthly expenses are covered and we have further money to save for conferences and education for our members.

Following our return to collecting dues at 1.5%, another problem was discovered after examining our finances. We discovered that the hospital had been reporting our GROSS wages to CUPE National as opposed to our REGULAR wages (only those wages directly earned on worked hours, vacation and sick time) since April 2017. This is the number that CUPE National uses to calculate our fees. Working with the payroll department and a representative at CUPE National, we were able to recalculate our fees for the past year. As a result, nearly $ 6000.00 was returned to our local.

We, your executive, are looking forward to working with you to best decide how to use these funds for our members!

In Solidarity,

Alex McConnell (RPN)

Secretary/Treasurer, CUPE Local 929 & 929-1