The Union Executive has asked TGHC to provide us with a voice mail extension so that our members may easily contact us with any and all issues that they may have, and we are currently waiting for this to be put in place.
Although we are here to help you and do want everyone to feel comfortable in approaching us with issues, we do ask that you please not approach us in person while we are working our regular duties, as this can be very time consuming and distracts us from our responsibilities to the employer. Rather we would like you to send us an e-mail (and in the future, a voice mail) using our new CUPE e-mail addresses that can be found on our website (; with much thanks to Alex.
Also, the Executive has recently purchased business cards that highlight our new website and individual e-mails for the Executive members, so please ask us for one so that you can have our contact information easily available.
Matt Kazimierczuk (RPN)
Vice President, CUPE Local 929 & 929-1